Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Here is the schedule. Let's get to work::

Week 1, January 11
Demo: Encaustic Painting. Make medium. Discuss supply list. (Wax and resin will be supplied.)
Project: Make medium. Begin collecting supplies.
Supplies suggested: Bring an electric fry pan or griddle. Package cupcake papers. Reusable coffee filter. Inexpensive gravy ladle. *Refer to supply list
Week 2, January 18
Demo: Encaustic Painting with color. Continue to make medium.
Project: Paint with wax on wooden panel. Begin with color.
Supplies needed: Electric fry pan or griddle. Package cupcake papers. Reusable coffee filter. Inexpensive gravy ladle. Torch. Wood panels–suggested size: 12” X 12”.
Week 3, January 25
Demo: Playing with line.
Project: Paint with encaustic. Lines and Color. Experiment.
Supplies needed: Bring in print to fit panel and PVA glue. And the usual supplies.
Week 4, February 01
Demo: Playing with texture.
Project: Try it.
Supplies needed: Bring in two prints to fit panel or cradles and PVA glue. And the usual supplies.
Week 5, February 08
Demo: Preparing a panel with a print.
Project: Glue on print and continue to paint with encaustic.
Supplies needed: Bring in two prints to fit panel or cradles and PVA glue.
Week 6, February 15
Demo: Painting over the print. Fencing and pouring wax–over a print.
Project: Try it.
Supplies needed: Bring paper, collage and found objects to embed into wax.
Week 7, February 22
Demo: Monoprint, collage and found objects.
Project: Try it.
Supplies needed: Bring paper, collage and found objects to embed into wax.
Week 8, March 01
Demo: Building cradles and ironing wax.
Project: Create a goal based on the demos thus far to finish by the end of the semester.
Supplies needed: To be determined.
Week 9, March 08
Demo: Stencil. Layering. Scraping back.
Project: Present idea for end of semester project.
Supplies needed: To be determined.
Week 10, March 15
Demo: Work on Plexiglas
Project: Create a goal based on the demos thus far to finish by the end of the semester.
Supplies needed: To be determined.
Week 11, March 22
Demo: Upon request
Project: Work toward your semester project
Supplies needed: To be determined.
Week 12, March 29

Show & Tell: Looking over the Semester’s work.

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